Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Finally, menopause is effing over (yay)

So, life is short, is what people always say----- but that's just trite and not really very nice if you think about it. In real terms of today. Life is as long as all the variables let it be, and sometimes that can be really short, and other times seemingly long. My husband is an amazing silver-haired man with a large nose and he's not a jew, but I laugh because there are so many aspects of him that have, over time, made his Jewish friends assume that he was Jewish. Hmmmm namely, he's a fabulous nerd, he's constantly pursing his lips, he has a silver tongue and then there's more, for later. But that may be enough for now. What I find fantabulous is that there was even a question of his religion when his juggling buddies embraced my husband into their coven of odd and ambitious circus family. But is it a family if it doesn't accept an irish tinker wife? So that's why they say life is short. Well so begins the secret life of the folk singer's wife ......